Boot Process
Phases of the Boot Process:
Read Only Storage Kernel Init Phase
Motherboard is Checked
Bootlist is found
Boot image is read into memory
Initialization starts
Base Device Configuration Phase
All devices are configured with cfgmgr command
System Boot Phase
Logical volumes are varied on
Paging is started
/etc/inittab is processed
alog - allows the administrator to view logs
alog -L <-- displays log files that alog can view
alog -o -t boot <-- displays the boot log file
How to boot the system if the Service Processor Firmware Menu is displayed:
Service Processor Firmware
Main Menu
1. Service Processor Setup Menu
2. System Power Control Menu
3. System Information Menu
4. Language Selection
5. Call In/Call Out
6. Set System Name
99. Exit Menu
Choose Option 2: System Power Control menu, then select option to Power On
How to boot to the SMS Menu (to apply firmware updates)
Boot normally
Interrupt the boot when the systems displays memory and cpu information
<1> on Ascii terminals
<F1> on Graphics terminals
If you want to update firmware then you need to choose option 3, then put software in diskette drive and choose:
Option 6 for Update System Software
Option 7 for Update Service Processor
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